This is the name we gave to our first collection to communicate the principles, philosophy, and values
of our house, which has been advocating ethical production, respect for nature and humanity, creative
reuse, and quality over quantity since its founding.
Our wish and pursuit are for sustainability not to be superficially treated as a fleeting trend but to be
truly understood by all of us, creators and consumers alike. That's why we chose not to overemphasize
sustainability with marketing tactics like green elements in photos and characteristic symbols but to
communicate what we stand for through our own actions and creations and ultimately convey this to
the consumer, tangibly, through their experience.
Green and ethical are not clothes photographed in the forest. They are clothes made from carefully
selected organic yarns, from materials that leave zero or very small environmental footprint, from non-
toxic colors, and from recycled and recyclable threads. Green are the clothes that are timeless and
durable, staying in our closet forever. Green are the clothes that don't require frequent washing and
ironing, arriving at your doorstep in appropriate packaging and with the right label.
Green are the clothes that, for their production, only required an expected lamp above the hands of
the person who wove them with their fingers. Perhaps also an expected radio to keep them company
with music.
That’s how we created this collection. With love, meraki, and consciousness. And we named it GREEN
GLAMOUR. Because you feel on your skin that you are wearing a natural and precious garment. “A gift
from nature that transforms you into the goddess who defends it.”