The art of macramé, the craft of artistic knots, was born in the Arabic countries around the 13th century A.D. The name of this art derives from the Arabic word “ Migramah ” which means “fringe”. The Arabs used fringes tied in knots and put them on camels, so that the movement of the fringes would protect them from the dangerous insect bites. A little later, the Arab sailors used this technique to protect the supplies, which were stored in glass jars, from stormy seas as the thick lace which was formed protected the glass from breaking.
This way, centuries ago, the art of knots began and spread around the world. Fingertips dance in between threads, forming knots which create different motifs depending on the ties, the pattern and the strength that is used each time. Every creation is a work of art. A sculpture made of thread.
And even if you still haven’t loved these wearable works of art, you will love them as soon as you see them worn. Because no human body is more captivating than the one which is dressed in a macramé work of art